I immediately began to think about what this could possibly be, so I went ahead and approached the item in order to see what it was and guess what I laid eyes on. I first read grape and was mislead by the purple carton and red writing. After I had seen an apple inside the see through package the only question which ran through my mind was Okay, So what is this?. Curiosity led me to take action and buy a grapple. At first glance it looked like a regular apple and I couldn't even begin to imagine why it was called a grapple. Only after I unsnapped the plastic seal, that I began smelling the fragrance of grapes. It all rushed back to me and then my question, of why the product was named grapples, was answered. It was an apple that tasted like a grape. It smelled like handful of sweet grapes that had been crushed right in front of me. As I took my first bite I realized it tasted nothing like an apple but more like a grape.
From there on many things became clear to me. The main one was that technology was getting absurd and ideas that some people have all really weird. Here I was thinking that I was going for an apple until I took a bite and it tasted like grape juice. It only raises many more questions about how far genetically engineered can go.
WOOWWWWWWW ....I want ONE =] ... Can you bring some for me to try .. pleaseee=]