Sunday, November 21, 2010

Talk about a corny diet

Just as much as all of the farm animals are abused the animal far greater abused more than others would be chickens. Their whole lives are controlled from top to bottom from the point they are born to the point where they die at a slaughterhouse that is probably miles away. Chickens, unfortunately, don't even get to eat as much as they want from their food. Since the amount of food they eat daily greatly affects their ability to lay eggs then farmers control the portions they eat. Farmers sometimes starve their chickens for days so that they can make more eggs. The way this works is that the proportion of the weight and height of the chicken has to be a certain weight in order to constantly produce eggs, somewhat like cholesterol whereas if the chicken is fat then the efficiency drastically decreases.

Who would have ever thought their life would depend on something so corny?

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